Silence In A Busy World

Written By : Hunter Page 

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When was the last time you spent just a moment in complete silence? When I say complete silence, that is exactly what I mean. No noise from vehicles, trains, airplanes, or your phone buzzing away. No sounds of any kind, besides  the classic natural sound of silence, nature. If you can’t remember when, that is because silence is hard to find. “According to the National Park Service, 83% of the land in the lower forty-eight sits within 3,500ft of a road, close enough to hear vehicles.” With airplanes, the statistics are more dramatic. “With over 30,000 aircrafts overhead per day, the FDA is predicting a 90% increase in the next 20 years.” - Florence Williams. That study was done in 2002. 

We, (homosapiens) are not evolutionarily made to live in cities. Everything about us is designed for living in the desert, woods, mountains, and natural areas. BUT that is not the world we live in anymore. For this reason, getting out of your four walls, out of the overwhelming city is a necessity! We, us, you, need silence to calm the raging river of noise. We need to hit the reset button. Smelling the aroma of a forest will lower your blood level, heart rate and more. These positive effects from nature will stay with you for days or weeks after leaving, then it’s time to go back.

A pale pink mountain cascading into the horizon surrounded by a bright sky filled with puffy clouds  

I, for one, have felt the positive reinforcements of nature. I can recall dozens of times sitting around a campfire alone or with friends thinking about how the day made me feel. Whether that was physical or spiritual. There’s a sort of presence you can tap into once you slow down. The benefits of spending time in nature are overwhelming. I could go on how it helps your creativity and all around health. The book: The Nature Fix by (Florence Williams, 2017) pieces the puzzle together beautifully with hands-on experience in scientific research and data collecting. I highly recommend you read this book. 

Obviously, time in the mountains or deserts is beneficial. Something just as important is how you spend your time. Be grateful for what there is left to enjoy. Be respectful. Let the forests grow healthy without making your mark (carving in trees) or vandalism of any kind. This earth provides us a place to live, allow it the same!

Snow dusted mountains lighting up from the sun rise

For more articles, landscape images, product photography and more visit my website. Hunter Page Photography Thanks for reading.

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