Outdoor Photography Gear

Photography and an appreciation for the outdoors go hand-in-hand, and it's hard to find one without the other. Like we mentioned in our post 'Five Techniques That Will Improve Your Outdoor Photography', seeing a photograph of a beautiful place is the first step to building an intimate and caring relationship with the land. The world is filled with amazing sights and sounds, and one way to capture and preserve these once-in-a-lifetime sights is through the art of photography. But just like any hobby, outdoor photography also requires the right sort of gear, so if you're just starting out then here are some tips to consider.

Pick Your Camera Body

The first thing you'll need to think about when starting out in outdoor or wildlife photography is what kind of camera body you'll be going for. While outdoor photography brings to mind heavy, bulky lens and equipment, advancements in technology have led to lighter alternatives. An article on Daydreaming in Paradise about 'Picking the Right Mirrorless Camera' puts the spotlight on a range of brands that more or less feature lightweight bodies perfect for outdoor photography. Mirrorless cameras are compact, easy to carry, and have a wide range of sensor sizes and interchangeable lens that make them ideal for any kind of photography.

Choose Your Lenses

Once you've got your camera body sorted out, the next thing to focus on is your camera lens. Most outdoor photographers start out with a wide angle lens for capturing landscape shots, and a zoom lens for a range of focal lengths. Outdoor Photographer has an article on how to pick the right lenses for nature photography that goes into depth about the range of focal lengths and aperture requirements. Lenses can be a big investment, and while it's not necessary to start out with a whole range, having two or three really good ones can really add to your photography.

Plan Your Shot

Although some of the best shots in outdoor photography are spontaneous, the best thing you can do for your own photography is to be well prepared. If you're looking to take a photograph of the night sky, then you'll need a stable tripod and a lens with a wide aperture. Do your research on the kind of set-up and equipment you'll need, and make sure to have lots of room on your memory card for practice shots. Lifewire has several tips for nighttime photography that you should keep in mind for your next outdoor shoot, including maximizing the self-timer and using a manual focus.

Get the Right Equipment

Cameras aren't always a one-size-fits-all, and if you're really into the outdoors then you might want to look at a range of different equipment. For example, if you're planning on heading out on a canyoneering trip, bringing around a bunch of heavy lenses might not always be the best idea. Action shots and video might call for a specific kind of camera or lens, so make sure to do your research before heading out on your trips. Photography Improved rounds up the different types of cameras you may be looking at for outdoor sports, including compact and action cameras that are sure to be lighter on your back and budget.

Written by Aliyah Kaylyn

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