Our Giveback: Blankets for the Homeless

Words by Coalatree Founder Charlie Bessey

Ever since I was in college, it’s been my dream to work with an organization that helps address homeless issues. At home and across the world, it can be heartbreaking to witness the hardships those without a home face on a daily basis.

I see so much love and hope in the world of the homeless. Now more than ever before, we have the means to address this problem head-on. By working together and offering up the resources at our disposal, we can find solutions that work within our communities.

When Coalatree was founded in 2010, one of our goals was to give back to the environment and to our community. Eight years later those goals still ring true. Thanks to our supporters in the Kickstarter community, we were inspired to utilize additional fabric from our Kachula blankets to donate to local homeless shelters. With the Kachula’s versatility and water-resistance, these make great blankets to provide some additional warmth through the cold Utah winters.

Coalatre=e teamed up with Crossroads Urban Center, a local nonprofit dedicated to helping the homeless via food pantries, clothing donations, and local advocacy to fight for homeless rights. Through that collaboration, over 200 blankets and hats were given to the needy in our community.

Learn more about our Giveback program here.


Cover photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash.

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