Conversations with Nature

Written By : Eric Bennett 

Instagram : @bennettfilm

Right now our planet is facing unprecedented threats–forest fires, extinctions, ecosystem collapse–as a result of climate change, pollution, and development. As photographers, I believe we have the power to change the way people see the world, by capturing and sharing images that convey the value of nature in its pure, unaltered state. My latest book, “Conversations With Nature,” is my most recent attempt to do so, by creating a way that people can learn more about the different environments in nature and appreciate their finer details in beautifully printed photographs.

Picture of the book Conversations with Nature

This book features a foreword by the former assistant to Ansel Adams and classic nature photographer, William Neil, as well as an introduction by the 3 time winner of the Landscape Photographer of the Year award, Alex Noriega. In its text you will learn about the complex, fascinating intricacies of forest, desert, mountain, and canyon ecosystems, as well as my personal relationship with each environment that has grown and strengthened as I have spent countless hours admiring them.

Picture of mossy trees with the sun shining through the forest

Did you know that beneath the forest floor, trees and plants are all connected through a maze-like, complex network of mycelium and roots, through which they communicate and share nutrients with one another? Or that desert plants can detach their roots to conserve water and lie dormant through long dry spells? Or that as glaciers and permafrost layers melt they are once again releasing ancient bacterias and viruses back into the air? Or that beneath Lake Powell it was once a magnificent canyon teeming with life and endless exploration? You will also learn of the ways that these special places have been disregarded by man, and the current threats they are facing due to our reckless actions.

I believe that photography has the power to influence people to become better stewards of the beautiful planet in which we live. Each and every plant, animal, bird, and insect that we share this planet with is magnificent and unique in its own way, and it is a tragedy that every day that goes by we are losing different species, sometimes as many as 100 per day. The photographs in this book were taken with the hope that I can show the world why it is important that we keep the little wilderness that we have left intact, and to convey that wild places have a far greater value to us as humans if kept unspoiled than anything we could ever extract from them materially. We must keep these places protected and preserve them so that the future generations to come may continue to have their own conversations with nature.

You can learn more about “Conversations With Nature” and pre-order your copy by visiting this link:

Picture of the book, Conversations with Nature by Eric Bennett

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